Monday, October 27, 2008

Preston's "What Game"

Preston is such a little comic.  He is very animated and comes up with funny little things to say all the time.  He is talking so much more now and is putting multiple words together to make some sentences.  He has come up with this thing that I call the "What Game".  This is how it goes...

Preston: "Mom"
Me: "What Preston?"
Preston: "What Mom?"
Me: Smile and laugh
Preston: "Mom"
Me: "What Preston?"
Preston: "What Mom?" followed by a little smile and either continues for another round or he runs off to play with something else.

What a little goof.  Some of his words he can't quite pronounce yet that I think are funny or things he does...
-School bus is goose bus
-stuck is guts
-He has a train with three little pieces and when it comes apart and he can't find a piece, he says "piece train?", which when my Dad heard this thought he said, "Peace Train" and just started laughing and said "Yeah, Cat Stevens!"
-When he hears a fire engine or can't find his fire engine at home, he makes the sound of a fire engine and will not say the actual words.  Now when you think of a fire engine passing you by, think of how loud it is and you want to cover your ears.  Well... think of a little two year old making the same noise just as loud, and then imagine you in a small car with that very loud fire engine two year old!

Kids... gotta love 'em!

1 comment:

Fiddlefish said...

Cute post. I can remember when Taylor was about that age. He had the construction "beep" memorized -- exact pitch and tempo of the beeping. Boys keep ya on your toes!
