Saturday, August 8, 2009

My big 3 year old!

Today was Preston's third birthday! We made chocolate chip pancakes (which he only took 5 bites of because he already had his usual breakfast, his milk and "go-la-la" meaning granola), opened his "Light Queen" car, then we headed to a birthday party for some friends. Later tonight we headed to the park with some friends and had cake and ice cream. We gave him some other presents, but the only thing he was worried about was getting his train birthday cake. Last year I made him one and since he has seen pictures of it, he has been asking for one for the past few months. Thanks everyone for helping us celebrate and Charise for helping me with the cake!
Pres is getting so big and says the funniest things lately. I asked him how he got so big and his response was, "I eat my vegetables, I grow big and strong!" He loves trains, cars, wrestling, and any type of boy thing including picking on his little sister! We are so glad he is in our family! Love you bug!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Happy Birthday Preston!