The weather cooperated and was nice for a while and we were able to explore a little more. Pres has had fun getting up close and personal with any and all bugs. If he sees one, he will literally lay flat on the ground , or crouch over to look at it and become so immovable you would think he is stuck to that spot with superglue and duct tape! The kids end up half naked by the time we are done taking walks though because of deciding that freezing cold mountain water looks good to go wading in. We have also had some rainy days lately where the kids decided to go out when it was hailing and froze in the rain (April showers in Boise are NOT as warm as April showers in Texas), and in between, I have been trying to be more creative with the kids. I made homemade fishing poles and fish, but that ended up making more of a mess than being a success. And, who knew paper bags from the grocery store could hold so much entertainment? We colored on them, made paper bag faces, Ma liked to sit in hers and have Daddy swing her across the kitchen floor in it and Pres discovered the scissors and had a blast cutting the ends of it. He decided to then see what else scissors could cut and tried to cut Ma's baby doll's face. It didn't quite work, but it did make Ma sad, put him in time out and had the scissors taken away. He did this a couple weeks ago and still talks about it. Funny, he remembers things he does, things on a movie, times he is put in time out, where Dad's office is, but will NOT remember the 20 times I tell him to stay by me at the store. KIDS! :) We have also enjoyed trying out the newly discovered Tillamook ice cream (thanks for introducing us Lindsay!). Pres is showing you here how much he enjoys his ice cream. He will lick the bowl until it is gone and tips his head back to get every single drop! That's my boy!!
We have SIGNS!!! Now when people drive by the office, they know what we are!! HOORAY! Things are finally coming together. Taking longer than we thought, but are slowing getting there. The exercise flooring should be here this weekend and we should open on Monday. Cross your fingers and toes!!
Isn't it nice when your find that you not only enjoy doing something, but other people enjoy it too?? We went to a cinco de moustache party yesterday (people drew moustaches on their faces... I guess it is a tradition with the family that invited us...) and had tacos, dessert, and watched bike races. I was in charge of bringing a dessert, which was pretty much gone by the time you could say "cinco de moustache"! Everyone loved it (so thanks again Amy for the Apple cake recipe!!)! I love baking and having other people enjoy it so that it doesn't all go to my hips and the hard work of exercising I have done lately does not go to waste!! We had a fun time hanging out, meeting people, and the kids, of course, found muddy puddles to get into and had to be stripped to diapers in the car. Thanks Charise for inviting us!!
Speaking of diapers... this is potty training day 1 for Pres ( a second time around). The diapers he and Ma have been using are now too small for him so I have been prepping him the past week that I am not going to buy him bigger ones and he has to use the toilet. We only had one accident this morning, and made it to the library and back without any problems! I was going to try to train Ma at the same time (she tells me she needs to go to the bathroom and Pres doesn't!!), but I have decided that trying to remind one kid every 30 min to use the bathroom is enough for now. Maybe in a couple weeks I will try it with Ma.
Sorry so long of a post! I guess my subconscious was kicking in telling me that I really didn't want to do the laundry, dishes, or figure out what is for dinner so it came up with another way to keep me busy. Ever have those days???!!!
oh my gosh, i lurve that scenery pic! OH NO! I just posted about potty training. I hope you don't fall in one of my venting situations. Don't worry if you do. I will just close my eyes, and don't tell me either. LOL
Hey girl..found your blog! :) These are adorable pictures. Love the one of Pres giving Ma a kiss. Cute! I hope you had a good time at the stache party. I fam is weird! Now it's tradition, you have to join the festivities every year! I'll be crossing everything so that you can open Monday! good luck.
Your signs look great! So professional and clean looking...Makes ME want to go see Dr. Griffeth! :) Good luck with the grand opening. I'm so glad you're making friends and enjoying Idaho once again. Coming to your's and Genn's blogs and seeing all the Idaho pictures makes me itch to go back. Good memories!
Congrats on the grand opening!! How exciting. Sounds like things are going well for you guys (busy, but good!!) Love the pics, your kids are so cute!!
So glad you made the apple cake and everyone ate it - but sad I didn't have any! : ) Love all your pics. You're getting really good! Glad you are finding things to make you happy. Miss you!
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