Sunday, February 22, 2009

100 posts!

This marks my 100th post!  I didn't think that I would blog this much when I first started this.  But it has actually been pretty fun.  It has been kind of like an open journal since I am not very good about keeping my own.  Well, since this is the 100th post you would think I would have some profound words or something terriffically exciting, but I don't really.  Oh, one exciting thing... we have been trying to get Preston excited again about using the potty so I got some books at the library the other day.  We were reading it tonight and Mikalya must have been listening from the hall because she came into the room pulling at her pajamas and wanted Ryan to follow her.  She led him into the bathroom and pointed to the toilet.  Ryan put her on, and voila!  She went!  Who would have thought our 16 month old would be more interested than our 2 1/2 year old?!  Maybe we can get them both potty trained at the same time and then no more diapers!  Yeah, yeah... I know.  Keep on dreaming.  


Anonymous said...

Yay! That is so exciting! I hope she keeps at it for you. That is so funny. I'll have to try Emrie that young. Maybe they are better at it and we never knew it!

Leah said...

No way! Kaitlyn will pull on her clothes and sit on the potty too, but she doesn't ever do anything. That's amazing that Mikayla did! WOW!

Anonymous said...

Oh of course I'd love to take family pictures of you guys! That would be so fun. When do you think you'll be around again?

ATT Hickson said...

I can't believe it! Makes me want to train Tanner already. He totally knows when he needs a diaper change... he brings me the diaper! Keep us posted on how it goes.