Thursday, September 16, 2010

Baby K's 1yr old pics

My friend asked me to take some pics of her baby girl that turned 1 today!  Happy Birthday Baby K!  She was a busy little girl and was hard to get to hold still.  She also did not want to smile and pose for us and kept telling us no and that she was all done.  Think we got a few cute ones though!  Thanks again Heidi for asking me to do these and hope you like them.  She was great practice!  Here are a few for a preview....


ReeSe said...

Such a fun preview. You did a great job and I can't wait to see the rest!

Malmbergs said...

Kristin these are adorable! Great job - keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Kris! U did such a great job! I love your editing. Her skin is so smooth and I love to vivid colors. Very impressed!